Thursday, September 12, 2013

Discovering Essential Oils

So my aunt became a rep for a better known essential oils company and I really enjoyed the samples she gave to me. I just had one problem. I was a newly wed, with not a lot of money, so I never ended up being able to buy much from her. Last year I started following One Good Thing by Jillee and fell in love with DIY projects. Especially her laundry soap!! It's through OGT that I found her sister's blog, Camp Wander and she started talking about affordable essential oils from Spark Naturals. The are the same CPPG Certified Pure PharmaGrade as the other guys, for so much less! And thus began my journey. I know have a modest collection of oils and LOVE sharing with my friends and family. I may only post once a week or so, but I plan on sharing what I've learned.

If you are interested in learning about essential oils, just let me know! I have pinned a bunch of stuff on Pinterest that I plan on sharing about my experiences here, but feel free to follow me there too!

Please enjoy a 10% discount at Spark Naturals by using discount code: katieb

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