Saturday, September 21, 2013

Oil of The Month Club

I love Spark Naturals Oil of The Month Club!!! It is a fantastic way to collect the already affordable essential oils, at a steeper discount!! Say you sign up today on 9/21/13. Every month, on the 21st, your method of payment will be charged and your order will be automatically submitted and a few days later your bottle arrives! Last month was Shield. Normally it would cost you $26.10 (after your 10% discount, of course) for a 15ml bottle. Not bad for an invaluable oil in your medicine cupboard. With the Oil of The Month Club, every month your 15ml bottle is only $15.99, tax and shipping included!!!

This month is the amazing oil, Melaleuca. It has endless applications. It helps fight off infections, bacteria, viruses, illness, and disease.(1)

Here are a few links to more info on Melaleuca, here, here, and here.

P.S. If you are ready to venture on your own EO journey, you can receive 10% off your order at Spark Naturals by using this discount code: katieb 

Thursday, September 19, 2013

My favorite essential oil blend Shield

I LOVE this blend! It is definitely my favorite so far on my EO (essential oil) journey. The clove and cinnamon remind me of the happy memories during the holidays as a kid at my grandma's house. It makes me happy. The protecting benefits that come with it are a bonus!

It is the beginning of flu season, and I get sick easily, so I have it diffusing at work and at home. This last week my husband has suffered a cold and I have felt great! Not even a sniffle! 

Spark's Immunity blend consists of Clove, Cinnamon Bark, Lemon, Eucalyptus, and Rosemary oils. Legend has it that during the great plague in 15th century Europe, grave robber "thieves" developed a blend of Clove, Cinnamon Bark, Lemon, Eucalyptus, and Rosemary to protect themselves while robbing plague victims. Shield is comparable to the other essential oil company blends.

Shield can be used aromatically, topically (dilute for sensitive skin), and internally to boost your immune system. I will be tempted to use it all year round because I love it so much. I'm sure I'll find another blend come springtime. 

What a great way to ensure your health!

P.S. If you are ready to venture on your own EO journey, you can receive 10% off your order at Spark Naturals by using this discount code: katieb 

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Discovering Essential Oils

So my aunt became a rep for a better known essential oils company and I really enjoyed the samples she gave to me. I just had one problem. I was a newly wed, with not a lot of money, so I never ended up being able to buy much from her. Last year I started following One Good Thing by Jillee and fell in love with DIY projects. Especially her laundry soap!! It's through OGT that I found her sister's blog, Camp Wander and she started talking about affordable essential oils from Spark Naturals. The are the same CPPG Certified Pure PharmaGrade as the other guys, for so much less! And thus began my journey. I know have a modest collection of oils and LOVE sharing with my friends and family. I may only post once a week or so, but I plan on sharing what I've learned.

If you are interested in learning about essential oils, just let me know! I have pinned a bunch of stuff on Pinterest that I plan on sharing about my experiences here, but feel free to follow me there too!

Please enjoy a 10% discount at Spark Naturals by using discount code: katieb